Plura latino



en And that We may the sooner and more fully gain our wish, do you, venerable brethren, join with Us in lifting up your fervent prayers to God and beg the intercession of the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin Mary, and of Joseph her spouse, and of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, in whose prayers We have the greatest confidence. Con esta explicación de THIS THAT THESE THOSE aclararemos dudas del uso de estas cuatro palabras que suelen causar mucha confusión. Si alguna vez te has preg Posterius, Latino-Britannicum : Accesserunt adagia Britannica, & plura & emendatiora quam antehac edita Londini : Impress. in aedibus R. Young, impensis … 12/30/2013 RENDERS, Helmut. "Cristologia iconográfica: das suas linguagens imagéticas clássicas a uma expressão única latino-americana no fim do século 20", In: PLURA, Revista de Estudos de Religião,, vol. 4, nº 2, p.

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plural neutral noun III declension. View the declension of this word. 1 more words, more things. 2 too much. 3 many things, many words. plūres (sost. masch.

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[plures], plures, plura. aggettivo numerale. vedi la declinazione di questo lemma. 1 in maggior numero, più numerosi.

Plura latino

The plural plures/plura is a good translation for "many". The singular plus is close to "much". The Latin and English words don't match exactly, but this rule of thumb should take you to the right direction. It is worth noting that plura is neuter, meaning that the "many" are things.

III conjug. plŭor tr. and intr. v. III conjug. plŭŏr masc. noun III decl.

135: Exempla plura verborum tertij ordinis definentia . 147: Arcticae horulae succisivae de Latino-Carniolana Literatura ad latinae linguae analogiam accomodata unde moskoviticae, polonicae, boemicae et Lusaticae et lingrae cum dalmatica L'unesma teoriala dokumento pri Latinida lingui, skribita en Latino, esas "De Vulgari Eloquentia" (l'eloquenteso dil vulgaro), da Dante (13ma yarcento), ube aparas la difero en lingua d' oïl e lingua d' oc ed anke linguo dil si (Italo-Latinida) referanta al formo dil parolo 'yes' en plura Latinida lingui. Si plura scripta essent, praesertim de Puellae visionibus et revelationibus, iudices timebant ne eius conscientia a proposito descisceret. Se fossero state scritte altre cose , soprattutto sulle visioni e rivelazioni della Pulzella , i giudici temevano che la sua coscienza la facesse recedere dal proposito .

III conjug. plŭor tr. and intr. v. III conjug. plŭŏr masc. noun III decl.

3 many things, many words. plūres (sost. masch. e femm. III decl.) sostantivo. plūres (agg.

'things undertaken Latino. plura habens vobis scribere nolui per cartam et atramentum spero enim me futurum apud vos et os ad os loqui ut gaudium vestrum plenum si Ratio is used when discussing the relative amounts of something. So for example: the ratio of women to men in the group was 2 to 1 or in other words for every 2 women there was 1 man.The plural of ratio would be ratios. Ration on the other hand normally concerns a limited amount of something. Quare, sicut nemo sibi arrogaverit ut omnem recte intelligat Scripturam, in qua se ipse plura nescire quam scire fassus est Augustinus (Ad Januar. ep. 61) Wherefore, as no one should be so presumptuous as to think that he understands the whole of the Scripture, in which St.

Latin English; plura: more numerous, several, many: beneficia plura recipit qui scit reddere: he receives the most favors who knows how to return them (Publilius Syrus) frustra fit per plura, quod fieri potest per pauciora: that is idly done by many, which may be done by a few: homines, quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora Locuzioni, modi di dire, esempi quid plura = che dire di più || narratiunculis pluribus = con la varietà degli aneddoti || aviditas plura amplectendi = avidità di prendere di più || auctoritate plura quam certamine tenuit = ottenne di più con l'autorità che con la lotta || amputanda plura sunt illi aetati quam inserenda = in quell'età (= negli adolescenti) c'è più da sfrondare che da Oct 20, 2019 · plures in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press plures in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary , New York: Harper & Brothers plures in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français , Hachette I had recalled right: plura appears to be indeed the sole form used in classical Latin. The same corpus search for pluria gave results of grammarians discussing the choice between plura and pluria. Some seem to defend the form pluria, but I found no attestations of it in a context that does not discuss the very form itself.

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Nunc vero legibus istis de disciplina atque de ipsa doctrina Ecclesiae statuitur; pugnantia conventis plura sanciuntur; abrogatisque magnam partem iis, quae in rei catholicae commodum pacta essent, ecclesiasticae potestatis iura vindicantur civili imperio: aquo proinde non …

Se emplea también como nombre para designar la composición musical destinada a acompañar a Yandex.Translate is a mobile and web service that translates words, phrases, whole texts, and entire websites from Latin into English.The meanings of individual words come complete with examples of usage, transcription, and the possibility to hear pronunciation. Aug 07, 2017 · The article “ the ” also has a plural form in Spanish. So the male plural form would be “ los ” (“ los perros ”) and the female plural form would be “ las ” (“ las doctoras ”).

Classical Latin Formal/Informal Second Person Singular/Plura. Thread starter

plūres (agg. num.) aggettivo IN QUESTA PAGINA. plūres. [plures], plures, plura. aggettivo numerale. vedi la declinazione di questo lemma.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P  Traduzioni contestuali di "plura" Latino-Italiano.